I’m a first-year CSE PhD student at the University of Michigan, working with Prof. Mosharaf Chowdhury. I am affiliated with SymbioticLab. I am broadly interested in systems and networking, and I am currently working on machine learning systems.
Prior to UMich, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at New York University. I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Joseph Bonneau, Prof. Michael Walfish at NYU, and Prof. Anurag Khandelwal at Yale University.
- Aug 2024: Started at UMich!
- Aug 2024: NOPE Accepted to SOSP 2024!
- May 2024: Graduated from NYU!
- Dec 2023: Joining as a TA for CSCI-UA.0480-062: Computer Networks in Spring 2024!
- Dec 2023: Received two Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund (DURF) grants. Thank you NYU!
- NOPE: Strengthening domain authentication with succinct proofs
Zachary DeStefano, Jeff J. Ma, Joseph Bonneau, and Michael Walfish
SOSP 2024, Nov 2024. [pdf, code]
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